3 tipi intr-o cafenea
Primul spune:Eu am cel mai mic brat din lume
Al doilea:Eu am cel mai mic cap din lumea
Al treilea:Eu am cel mai mic penis din lumea
Se duc ei la GBWR (Guinness Book of World records)
Primul tip iese de acolo si spune:chiar am cel mai mic brat din lumea.
Al doilea tip iese si el, si zice: si eu am cel mai mic cap din lumea
Al treilea tip iese furios si intraba: Cine dracu' e Justin Bieber?
Bancul e defpat in engleza dar lam tradus
Varianta originala:
3 Guys are in a cafe
The first guy says "I have the smallest arm in the world"
The second guy says I have the smallest head in the world"
The third guy says I have the smallest dick in the world"
They all go to the Guinness Book of World records
The first guy comes back and says I really have the smallest arm in the world
The seconds guy returns and says I have the smallest head in the world
The third guy comes back and angrily says WHO THE FUCK IS JUSTIN BIEBER