Nick-spike parazitu
My ip:
Discutia de pe mess:
Alex reddog: amu
Alex reddog: cre` ca era mai bine daca le luai pe rand..
Shade Shadow: lasa
Shade Shadow: daca vrei dai cancel dar ai ban permanent
Alex reddog:
Alex reddog: am rabdare..
Shade Shadow: nu stiu ce e de ras in asta
A problem occurred while transferring the file "de_dust2_long0000.bmp". The transfer has been stopped.
A problem occurred while transferring the file "de_dust2_long0001.bmp". The transfer has been stopped.
A problem occurred while transferring the file "de_dust2_long0002.bmp". The transfer has been stopped.
Alex reddog: pfff
Shade Shadow: banned
Alex reddog: pai e de la net
Alex reddog: ia-le pe rand..
Shade Shadow has declined your file transfer.
Alex reddog: ba esti dus cu pluta?
Shade Shadow: BANNED
Alex reddog: n-am dat cancel
Shade Shadow: minti
Alex reddog: A problem occurred while transferring the file "de_dust2_long0002.bmp". The transfer has been stopped.
Shade Shadow: si ce
Shade Shadow: ia
Shade Shadow: damile de o data
Shade Shadow: pe toate
Shade Shadow: si daca tot dai cancel
Shade Shadow: ai ban perm
Shade Shadow: tiam dat deja
Alex reddog: ia una cate una
Shade Shadow has canceled the transfer of 1 photo.
de_dust2_long0000.bmp (3841 KB)
Shade Shadow: damile de o data
Shade Shadow: deo data
Alex reddog: cum?
Shade Shadow: LOL
Shade Shadow: asa
Shade Shadow: daca nu se iau ai ban
A problem occurred while transferring the file "de_dust2_long0000.bmp". The transfer has been stopped.
Shade Shadow: BANNED !
Alex reddog: deci e clar,esti prea dus cu pluta
Shade Shadow: pun si asta pe forum
Alex reddog: si eu la fel
Alex reddog: sa vada cat de praf esti
Shade Shadow: bine
Shade Shadow: punele tu
Mi-a dat ban pt ca nu a putut sa ia pozele,e de la net,am incercat de 3 ori sa i le trimit,dar a aparut eroarea aia ciudata.Nu stiu cum sa pun SS-urile.